Who We Are

• Because of our awareness of the beauty and wonder of God’s creation, we cherish the earth and work toward its care.

• Because of our faith in Jesus, and the example of his life of compassion and hope, we cherish our fellow humans and work toward social justice.

• Because of our trust in the Holy Spirit, we deepen our spiritual lives and discern God’s will for us, here and now.

At Second Presbyterian Church, everyone is welcome, whatever your age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, economic or family status, mental or physical ability. We celebrate full participation in the life of the church for everyone.

Through worship, service, communion, baptism, education, music, art and fellowship, we draw closer and deepen our life as a community. Prayer, laughter, and acts of compassion and social justice are some of the ways we live out the radically inclusive call of Jesus and learn to encourage each other in our journeys of faith. 

Whoever you are, wherever you come from, whatever joys or burdens you carry––you are welcome here. We hope this is a community of faith where you may find acceptance, challenge, and call.

We place a high value on caring for one another. During worship there is often a time for people to share their joys and concerns with the community. We show our love for one another through prayer, as well as through concrete expressions of Christian care. When people are hospitalized, pastors and members alike visit them. We give congregational and pastoral support in times of crisis. We show we care for one another in our ongoing relationships, and strive to provide an open and inclusive community welcoming all of God's people. Second practices warm fellowship in small, medium, and all-church settings. We eat, study, and play together, and often laugh and cry together. Various groups focus on older adults, young adults (20s-30s), youth, or children. Through elementary fellowship for children, and fellowship for junior and senior high youth, our young people are offered a place to belong, a place for service, fellowship, and growing into mature Christian faith. 


This statement is an open invitation to our congregation and friends to join our ongoing conversation about racial inequity in our community, nation, and world. It is a springboard for both discussion and action. We consider this a living document that will naturally change and grow with us. Every one of us—adults, teens, and children—has gifts to bring to the table. Let’s begin together.

Download the statement here.